YouTube Plans to reduce the disruption caused by ad breaks for their viewers.
YouTube is improving ad breaks! YouTube Ad Breaks The platform is working on reducing ad disruptions for a smoother viewing experience.

YouTube is planning to enhance the quality of mid-roll ads from 12th May 2025.
Ads that would otherwise be seen as disruptful by users will now be placed in more suitable natural break points in videos. For instance, ads that appear in the middle of a sentence, or an action scene will now be relocated to pauses and transitions, ever so less intrusive moments to help the user’s experience.
In conjunction with this development, YouTube converts manually placed mid-roll videos to automatically monetized ad breaks in videos released before February 24, 2025.
Content makers can opt out of the monetization manually by going to the Earn tab in YouTube Studio.
For content makers, this means more revenue. After YouTube’s experiment in July 2024, ad revenue was seen to have increased by 5% for channels that had a blend of both manual mid-roll and automatic ad enablement.
This week, YouTube is making available a new "Feedback in YouTube Studio" tool. It informs creators if their manually set mid-roll ads are of too much interruption to viewers for them to restrictive changes mid online viewing and to boost the income they get from the content.
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